Resolve to Save Lives

More than 100 outbreaks occur around the world daily and can spread worldwide in just 36 hours due to increased global travel. We all have a responsibility to support epidemic preparedness.

On, you can get informed, share information and discover how you can join in to raise awareness and advocate for epidemic preparedness.

Democratic Republic of the Congo has had:

How Prepared Is Democratic Republic of the Congo?


Not Ready

Democratic Republic of the Congo is not ready for the next epidemic. They have shown commitment to improving preparedness, but an outbreak could cause a devastating loss of lives and disrupt political and economic stability.

Democratic Republic of the Congo has finished their National Action Plan and is working on improving epidemic preparedness in one or more gap areas.

What Are Democratic Republic of the Congo's Strengths & Gaps?

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Top Strengths

Preparedness areas that a country has established to find, stop and prevent health threats. Learn More


Top Gaps

Gaps are areas that the country should prioritize to improve so they will be better prepared to find, stop and prevent epidemics. Learn More

Linking Public Health and Security Authorities
Medical Countermeasures and Personnel Deployment

Are Your Neighbors Ready?

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Epidemic preparedness is not just about your country; it’s a global issue. Right now Democratic Republic of the Congo is not ready for an epidemic. What happens when an epidemic breaks out in Angola, Burundi, , Rwanda, South Sudan, United Republic of Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia?

Neighboring Countries ReadyScore Status


Work to Do


Work to Do
United Republic of Tanzania


Work to Do


Work to Do


Work to Do


Not Ready
South Sudan


Not Ready


Not Ready
Central African Republic


Not Ready

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DRC has relentlessly been battling epidemics. As all eyes are focused today on the Ebola response, it is essential to also plan for and invest in epidemic preparedness activities, to keep your community safe from the next disease outbreaks. Learn More

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